Women Direct Sales Agents: Insights and Recommendations from the PRISMA Program in Indonesia


Indonesian women’s roles in agriculture tend to be less visible and are frequently overlooked by agricultural input companies, government extension workers, and even development programs.  Unsurprisingly, gender considerations are largely absent from agricultural marketing activities and direct sales agent (DSA) models. To understand and address this gap, the Canopy Lab and PRISMA conducted research on 10 agricultural sector partners and their respective DSA programs.

Andrew Panton

Senior Consultant

I am committed to improving human livelihoods and resilience in balance with nature. At the Canopy Lab, I provide research and advisory support to projects working on biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and resilience, nature-based solutions, sustainable tourism, and market systems development. Outside work, I’m a keen guitarist, cyclist and bookworm, with a love for food, travelling and learning languages.


Senior Consultant

I work across markets, business and supply chains, impact investing, agriculture, and women’s economic empowerment. I am an experienced monitoring, evaluation, research and learning consultant and project manager with expertise in the use of mixed methods, theory-based approaches and data collection and analysis. I have been working in M&E for market systems development for 10 years now, and going strong.