RECONOMY’s Inception Phase: Lessons on how to Navigate Complexity

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Typically, in projects that follow the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach, the inception phase includes the establishment of initial partnerships to refine engagement strategies and gather early-stage learnings that inform implementation. For RECONOMY, the inception phase was about much more.

With its focus across multiple areas – including regional value addition across 12 countries in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership, mainstreaming of Environment and Climate Change (ECC) considerations, and emphasis on Gender and Social Inclusion – RECONOMY’s design merited a longer-than-usual inception phase which ended up lasting 22 months. The Canopy Lab conducted a case study to harvest the knowledge and experience gained during this time, including how the program navigated the COVID-19 pandemic, political upheaval in Belarus, the war in Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the war in Ukraine.

Andrew Panton

Senior Consultant

I am committed to improving human livelihoods and resilience in balance with nature. At the Canopy Lab, I provide research and advisory support to projects working on biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and resilience, nature-based solutions, sustainable tourism, and market systems development. Outside work, I’m a keen guitarist, cyclist and bookworm, with a love for food, travelling and learning languages.


Senior Consultant

I work across markets, business and supply chains, impact investing, agriculture, and women’s economic empowerment. I am an experienced monitoring, evaluation, research and learning consultant and project manager with expertise in the use of mixed methods, theory-based approaches and data collection and analysis. I have been working in M&E for market systems development for 10 years now, and going strong.